Tag Archives: Unexpected Gifts

Encouraging Fiction

I am so happy that “Peace in the Midst” has provided encouragement to several people.  I have had some send me private messages, and some in person.  I am not a theologian, just a lover of Christ.  Yes, this is my first published book. No, it is not perfect.  But I am so grateful that the Father has used it in the lives of people.  Truly, I am humbled.

I also realize that God gifts us in many areas, and that we choose whether or not to use these gifts for His glory.  To surrender our lives means that in all areas of life we surrender, even the very simple things.  When we indeed understand the unconditional love of God that is not a difficult task. Well, I will admit that the “little things” are harder than the bigger.

We have had a few days when several things have gone wrong at the house and in other areas.   In fact, if I were to list them you would probably laugh.  This is the reaction we have finally chosen.  After fretting over them a bit, we have turned them over as well.

So as awkward as this feels to ask, please feel free to share this post.  The more encouragement out there, the better!

~Be Encouraged Today


I am Still Here

Just checking in!  As I mentioned in my last post, our granddaughter arrived a couple of weeks early and is doing very well!  She is precious and we are so excited. She is loved by two sets of grandparents who are experiencing their first grandchild, as well as so many friends and family!

I am back to working on the third edit of “Unexpected Gifts” and each time I go through it myself I find more to correct.  I guess that is the teacher in me too, I want everything to be correct, and I am sure I will miss some items.  I will run it through the “Grammarly” program again after this edit.

There sure is a lot to think about when writing and publishing a book!  I have always felt it was to be published on Amazon as an e-book.  Self-publishing a book in print can be quite costly, and right now that is not something we feel like I should do.

So, prayers appreciated.  I know that I know, that I know I am supposed to get this book out there. Oddly enough I have two more book outlines started already. The second book will be a devotional and the other is another piece of fiction.  Although I might make a second book in this series, we will just wait and see what the response is……

So my prayer is that you all are doing well.  I hope to be back to blogging and staying in contact with all of you again soon.  

Much love!

~Be Encouraged Today~


It is Finished! Amazon Publishing I am on my Way!

Hey there friends!

I am taking a little break from my blog for a couple of weeks.  I finally finished my book, “The Unexpected Gifts” or “Unexpected Gifts” .  I keep going back to the second as the title.  I have completed another proof read, and now going back to update and edit…again 🙂

It is amazing how many things I had to change because of dialogue, time, tense.  Whew.  It will never be perfect, but hopefully good enough that you will want to read it non-stop!

So, until then…..Unexpected Gifts Ebook Cover-3My 30-year-old goal to write a book and publish it is almost completed.  I will be self publishing on Amazon if anyone has any tips and prayers, I would appreciate them!!

~Be Encouraged Today~
