Tag Archives: encouragingbook

It is Finished! Amazon Publishing I am on my Way!

Hey there friends!

I am taking a little break from my blog for a couple of weeks.  I finally finished my book, “The Unexpected Gifts” or “Unexpected Gifts” .  I keep going back to the second as the title.  I have completed another proof read, and now going back to update and edit…again 🙂

It is amazing how many things I had to change because of dialogue, time, tense.  Whew.  It will never be perfect, but hopefully good enough that you will want to read it non-stop!

So, until then…..Unexpected Gifts Ebook Cover-3My 30-year-old goal to write a book and publish it is almost completed.  I will be self publishing on Amazon if anyone has any tips and prayers, I would appreciate them!!

~Be Encouraged Today~
