Category Archives: Freedom in Christ



A cord, an attachment….

When you think of a cord, what comes to mind? Is it a telephone cord? (Then you are my age).  Could it be a computer cord? (You might be in your 30’s).  How about the cord to charge your iPhone? (You are much younger).

What do all these cords have in common?  What is their purpose?  What do each of them do?  They attach to something!  The telephone, the computer and the iPhone.  All are attached to the power source with a cord. Here is where it gets good.

“Find rest , O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.”  Psalm 62:5.  

The word “hope” in this verse is “tiquah”, which literally means “a cord, as an attachment.” (Strongs)  So our “CORD” or “HOPE” must be attached to GOD alone!  A cord is strong.  If we hang onto any thing else, it is like hanging on with a thin string.  

There seem to be so many people right now without “hope”.  They are “hopeless”.  But friends, if we have Jesus Christ, we have HOPE.  We are attached with a cord to HIM.

My song, or the song that the Father has used in my life for years is “In Christ Alone”.(Shawn Craig and Donald A. Koch, 1991) The words in that song have ministered to me in so many crisis in my life.  It would play on the radio at just the right time…always.  Micheal English,( my all time favorite artist, sings it best…

“In Christ alone will I glory …Though I could pride myself in battles won. For I’ve been blessed beyond measure and by His strength alone I’ll overcome. Oh, I could stop and count successes like diamonds in my hands, But those trophies could not equal to the grace by which I stand.
[chorus]In Christ alone …I place my trust ..And find my glory in the power of the cross …In every victory …Let it be said of me …My source of strength, My source of hope ….Is Christ alone 
In Christ alone do I glory ..For only by His grace I am redeemed. For only His tender mercy, could reach beyond my weakness to my need.  And now I seek no greater honor in just to know Him more, and to count my gains but losses to the glory of my Lord!

Dear friends, our attachment is strong, our cord will hold.  Our HOPE is in Christ.

~Be Encouraged Today~





~The Ocean Series~ Your Place of Peace

*****Due to the impending snowy forecast, “The Ocean Series” continues……..


What is it about the ocean?psalms-97_1

There is something about the ocean that I simply cannot explain. I love to sit on a beach and simply stare out into the ocean. The waves lap up against the shore in a delicate calming rhythm.  Or they might be crashing upon the shoreline with glorious fury. The water might sparkle or it might look grey and ominous. The sounds are that of seagulls and birds or it is dawn and you hear virtually nothing. Continue reading ~The Ocean Series~ Your Place of Peace

Honest Kids

legs-216618_640Little kids crack me up. They are so honest, sometimes brutally so….and if you have been on the receiving end of that brutality you are not sure whether to scold, laugh or cry.

They cry when they hurt. They scream when they are mad. They yell when someone aggravates them. Fear will often drive them into their parent’s beds at night. Continue reading Honest Kids