Tag Archives: gifts

Encouraging Fiction

I am so happy that “Peace in the Midst” has provided encouragement to several people.  I have had some send me private messages, and some in person.  I am not a theologian, just a lover of Christ.  Yes, this is my first published book. No, it is not perfect.  But I am so grateful that the Father has used it in the lives of people.  Truly, I am humbled.

I also realize that God gifts us in many areas, and that we choose whether or not to use these gifts for His glory.  To surrender our lives means that in all areas of life we surrender, even the very simple things.  When we indeed understand the unconditional love of God that is not a difficult task. Well, I will admit that the “little things” are harder than the bigger.

We have had a few days when several things have gone wrong at the house and in other areas.   In fact, if I were to list them you would probably laugh.  This is the reaction we have finally chosen.  After fretting over them a bit, we have turned them over as well.

So as awkward as this feels to ask, please feel free to share this post.  The more encouragement out there, the better!

~Be Encouraged Today


Grandma and Gifts

I remember my maternal grandmother with so much love. She was a feisty little lady who lived until she was 94 years old.

I would spend the night with Grandma Fannie and watch “As the World Turns” during the day, and “Lawerence Welk” at night. We would eat pancakes in the morning, and popcorn at night I think she started my love of reading and writing because she always had several issues of Reader’s Digest to share with me and would ask me questions after I would read them. And we always painting our nails. Continue reading Grandma and Gifts

Love what you Do~Do what you Love


Yesterday was my husband’s birthday.  I realized that I had not shared about his hobby on my blog before.  He is an artist and is very good, in my humble opinion 😉  His work is at http://www.southernillinoismercantileco.com  

He also has a Facebook page you are welcomed to check out and like if you wish…https://www.facebook.com/aaallgaierartwork/

I thought I would share a bit of his work.  I admit I am a bit biased…..but it is a joy watching him do something he loves. He loved to paint and sketch as much as I like to write.

These are just a few of his pieces.  Each piece is signed with:

1 Corinthians 10:31 “So then, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of [our great] God.” AMP

So love what you do, and do what you love…..I write, he paints and sketches. We will never be rich and famous….but we will always be content.

~Be Encouraged Today~
