Tag Archives: special education teacher

It is SIMPLE…..Teachers: YOU make a DIFFERENCE!


School has started.

I have been out of the profession for at least six years now. I know that I made an impact on some of my students’ lives over the years.

In spite of the struggles you face with the things that are so difficult these days, be encouraged as you teach another year.


Once upon a time…

I was one of those students.

My parents divorced when I was in eighth grade and for many years before that had marital problems. I enjoyed talking to my teachers and doing well, but I struggled emotionally.

I had several teachers that spoke “life” to me.  Just like you do today.

I had a P.E. teacher who allowed me to be her assistant. She let me talk and she listened.  She was someone I admired and she encouraged me to believe in myself.

I had a science teacher who allowed me to babysit her son!  She knew that my “babysitting” jobs helped with our household finances, and she trusted me with her own child. She helped build my confidence.

These ladies made me want to teach. The Lord used them in my life go from “victim” to “victor”.

YOU do make a difference, and I thank you. I know it is difficult sometimes, I know that there are many reasons to complain, but you need to know that YOU are making a difference.

I applaud you. I know many of you feel “called” into the ministry of teaching. The law can say all it wants about God not being in schools….but He is there. HE is there because YOU are there. You love your students.


Isaiah 58 11 blackboard

~Be Encouraged Today~

May your frame be strengthened this year!!!

A “one time” junior high girl thanks you!



Dinner with the Best!

Let my Teaching 2

Last night I had dinner with 20 lovely people. People that I had the privilege being on staff with at one time or another over the last ten years of my teaching career. Continue reading Dinner with the Best!

It is SIMPLE…..Teachers: YOU make a DIFFERENCE!


Teachers make an Incredible (not Simple) Difference!

It is here! School is beginning.

I have written previously of the fact that I am not teaching this year. Which, in turn, made me wonder about the impact I made on my students’ lives over the years. I could pretend to be humble and say “I am not sure”, but that would be wrong.

I do know that I made an impact, I have been blessed with letters and notes to prove it.  These are often few and far between in the world of special education, so I do cherish them.

AND…. In spite of the struggles you face with the things that are so difficult these days…..be encouraged as you begin another year~

Mr./Mrs. TEACHER……
YOU are making a difference in the life of…..
at the very LEAST…
One child a year…..
multiply that by the number of years you have taught………………
AND I can guarantee you it is more than one a year!! Continue reading It is SIMPLE…..Teachers: YOU make a DIFFERENCE!