Blood Pressures and Vintage People


Blood Pressure and Vintage People…..To those of you old enough to remember…I did not say the “Village People”. I said “Vintage People”.Village people

A couple of weeks prior to hip surgery we got together with two other couples that have been life long friends. We are calling ourselves “vintage” which was a term shared my one of my other friends that is 70.  We love to eat, play games and laugh. We laugh a lot.

We laugh when we try to retell stories and share memories. The real reason we keep each other around is because we can complete the parts of the stories or memories that the other cannot. It takes all six of us.

This recent get together was no exception to the laughing, but it included taking blood pressures. One of us was experiencing notoriously high blood pressure and we were concerned. I won the contest of the lowest with 107/65. We contemplated taking our blood sugar readings, but chose not to start going down the path where this became what we laughed about.blood-pressure-918216_640

All of us are 55+ years of age. While they say that “60 is the new 40” or “50 is the new 30”, the fact remains that these bodies are decaying. Right in front of our very eyes (which happen to be getting worse as well). We ache in places we never use to ache….but our brains say that we can do the same things we did in our 20’s!

The wonderful thing about it is this….even though we are decaying, as is everything else in this world….our spirits are not! As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we know that we are the “new”. Oh yes, someday we will have our heavenly bodies to go along with that spirit….but in the meantime we can choose life.

2 Cor.5_1

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

We can choose to be grateful for what our amazing bodies can do at 55+!  We can choose to appreciate our eyesight, our ability to eat, smell, breathe, walk, hear….love. Granted it might not be in the same way we use to….but we have to learn to appreciate each and every day and count it as a gift.

Each season in life is different and each season of life teaches us something.

I have learned over and over that Christ is Enough. He said He was…and He is….even in the midst of hip replacements, blood pressure issues, eyeglasses and Vintage People!

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,


*NIV Bible, personal graphics

2 thoughts on “Blood Pressures and Vintage People

    1. The joy of the Lord is indeed our strength! I loved when my friend said she was “vintage”…she is just precious! I so want to always be grateful in all circumstances. Thanks for commenting my friend!

      Liked by 1 person

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