Category Archives: Trust

George Bailey


It’s that time of year…one of our favorite Christmas movies..”It’s A Wonderful Life”is being watched by many.

Remember when George was a little boy? He saved his brother and gave up hearing in one ear and future dreams when Harry came back from college. But he also saved someone else’s life….the pharmacist, Mr. Gower.

Mr. Gower lost his son and ended up filling an incorrect prescription. George did not deliver the medicine, knowing that they were incorrect. And Mr. Gower hit his bad ear. And George took it and said he understood. He kept the secret…and saved Mr. Gower’s career.


You know the story….


Nothing but sacrifice. He laid down his life for those he loved and cared for…and he did it over and over throughout his entire life.

George was human and it all kind of piled up on him, like it has many of us. And the Father reached out to prove how wrong George was about his wasted life…

I believe He still does that friends. If we just listen. He loves us, we are valuable. Christ laid down His life for us….so we might live.

Maybe that’s why “It’s a Wonderful Life” resonates with so many of us.  We understand how George felt, and we rejoice when we see just how much he is truly loved.

That kind of love, that kind of sacrifice….is JESUS.



~Be Encouraged Today
Isaiah 55_8-9






~The Ocean Series~ Clouds and Crashing Waves

The clouds roll in slowly and are overhead before you even know the darkness has descended.  You can feel the weight of the wave as it crashes upon you at the shore.  It is about to take you under.

Depression and Anxiety are very real.  This weekend I experienced one of the most frightening times of my life.  I had a full-blown panic attack.  I actually thought I was having a heart attack, due to my parents’ heart histories. Panic attacks can mimic the symptoms of heart attacks, so for the first time in 30 years, I visited the ER.

Due to a change from a name brand to its generic substitution, the chemical imbalance was not being controlled. I have been a mess.  Maybe my honesty will help someone.

 Even though I was not thinking clearly, I could feel the presence of my Savior.  He never left my side in my fear.  He gave me an inner peace that was present even as my ability to speak clearly was not.  I was going to be okay in one way or another.

God loves me, chemical imbalances and all.  And He loves you too! I will be back to my regular self soon. Well “regular” may be! 

Friend, don’t be afraid to ask for help. When I am in this state of incorrect medication, I get very anxious, forgetful and apologize for everything.  AND I feel like I have failed everyone, including God.  But that is not true!  It is a lie as is the thought that I am crazy! 

Get the help you need.  And don’t let those clouds overwhelm you…for the sun will break through and you will be able to dip your toes safely in the water without the fear of a crashing wave soon.

~Be Encouraged Today~
