Tag Archives: heavy load

Lift that Load with Thanksgiving!

I have the privilege of knowing two of the most darling twin boys.  They love watching videos of back hoes, combines, tractors….Evidently any farm implement. They watch with such concentration as some of these machines scoop dirt or rock, lift it, turn and place it in a piles or rearrange it. These machines move with precision and do quite a bit of work. Our very own boys loved watching the very same things years ago.  Some things never change.

But of course,  I got to thinking about our loads…..

Wouldn’t it be great if we could just scoop them up and move them? Continue reading Lift that Load with Thanksgiving!

Lift that Load with Thanksgiving!


 Lifting that Load…..

I was watching a backhoe the other day in a field near our home.  It was scooping dirt, lifting it, turning and placing it in a pile behind itself. It moved with precision and did quite a bit of work. No wonder our boys loved watching these type of machines work when they got a chance!

It was quite mesmerizing actually. Boy, it sounds like I need to get a life!

But I got to thinking about our loads…..

Wouldn’t it be great if we could just scoop them up and dump them behind us?

Well, we kind of can…. Continue reading Lift that Load with Thanksgiving!