Hip Replacement


When this blog actually published I will be home from the surgery center.  I will have had a hip replacement called the “super path”.  I’ve had a bad hip for some time and the “bone on bone” status is finally getting to me.  The left one is slowly fading away due to the fact that I am favoring it…so hopefully the degeneration will slow down a bit.

I have used oils, magnets, copper bracelets, exercise, bike riding therapy, prayer just to name a few things.  And I do believe that they all have prolonged the inevitable.  I do believe the answer to my prayer is receiving this replacement.

My momma has two hips installed by the same procedure.  She has done so well, and I plan to do the same.  It is called the “super path” and I will supply more information later.  

John 14_27-2

At the time of this writing I am at peace.  It is a supernatural peace, of that I am sure.  I could go through the “what ifs” of it all, but I prefer just to rest in Christ.  I have done all I am to do to prepare for the procedure, and I have prayed that if it is not to be that the Lord will stop it.  IN HIM I truly trust.

I will probably take a short break and be back to share soon!


“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,


*NIV Bible, personal graphics

9 thoughts on “Hip Replacement

    1. Thank you so much! I had a fainting spell on Sunday, but my superhero husband caught me! It was a tense moment to say the least! Learning from my own words…I want to get up and go, but I am tired and need rest I know. Thanks again!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Ellie, sounds like a plan. I cannot eat wheat, but the rest works! And eating lots of pineapple too, plus lemon essential oil in my tons of water. And yes, it is genetics…but it has been kinda of fun being referred to as “young” again! Word is I am doing very well, learning to rest and receive! Thanks for continued prayers!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hello, I just came upon your blog while searching for information regarding Total Hip Replacement Surgery. I understand your words above completely.
    I just turned 50 and have scheduled a Total Hip Replacement for later this summer. I am so scared. After suffering with pain for 20 years; it was last year that the pain started to affect my quality of life. Being born with shallow hip sockets is the cause of this hip replacement. It is hard to face the truth. It is hard to face the fact that a foreign object will be placed in my body. It is hard to face the pain of recovery. It is hard to face the fact that because of my age I will need another in about 15 to 20 years, and it is hard to face the fact that all that is happening to my right hip will happen to my left hip.
    However, in saying all that, the fact that my life has become one of solitude because of the pain which brings with it the lack of energy to venture out and do much of anything has me anxious for the surgery to be done with.
    If I may ask, did you have the posterior surgery, the lateral anterior, or the anterior? I am currently researching the anterior surgery.
    I look forward to reading about your recovery, and I am right behind you in this journey of the Total Hip Replacement.
    Thank you ~


    1. Hi Neldene! I so understand where you are coming from! My left will need to be replaced some day as well. My mother had hers replaced, so this is genetic. I watched her suffer for so long before she did anything. I just could go on no longer. Since I do not know what the future holds, we felt that the quality of life “now” was worth it. I actually had the “super path” replacement. They do not cut tendons or muscles, so there are none of the necessary precautions that come with the regular replacement. My mom had both her hips done with this procedure and has done remarkable. She just needs her knees done now! At any rate, it has been two weeks and I am doing very well. I start out patient therapy Monday. My biggest issues have been medicine issues. I already feel better and walk better than I did before! It may not be for everyone, but I think I will be happy with my decision once I have fully recovered. I am trying to not do too much since I am not a spring chicken anymore! I am not good with waiting! I wish you well and if you google “super path” you will find more information. There aren’t a lot of doctors who do it, but might be worth considering. Blessings to you and thanks for commenting! Tammy


      1. I am so glad I found your blog. It is hard for anyone to understand the pain and how your quality of life starts to diminish. Sometimes I wonder if I will go back to my happy, spunky self, or if that person is gone forever.
        I started researching the Super Path surgery. The chances of a Dr. doing that type of surgery where I live is probably zero. I only found one Dr. that does the Anterior surgery. I see him in a few weeks. I saw a Dr. last week that does the Anterior-lateral surgery. The one thing for sure is that I will not have the Posterior surgery. I think that is the hardest of all the surgeries to recover from.
        I have so many questions for you. Would you be willing to communicate via email or even FB?
        I have thought of doing a blog about my journey with this darn hip and having it replaced, but I’m not sure I have anything more to add than what is already available.
        Thank you for your correspondence.


        1. Hey there! If you want to go ahead and give me your email address I will send you an email. I would be glad to chat about it. I already feel so much better, even though my energy level is still down. But I am a realist…and I am 55! 😉. Healing takes time and I will be better than before…and so will you! There are a lot of things that you can do before surgery to prepare your body as well…but we can talk about that later. Blessings dear one!😊


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