Tag Archives: wandering

Manna and Grace

***My last post was on manna, and I stumbled across this from two years ago…Abba is driving home a point in my life right now!***

I was thinking about the Israelites today. They were led out of bondage from Egypt. Then they complained to Moses and Aaron that they did not have enough to eat, they were in a desert after all!

So God gave them manna every day. They were told not to save it, to only use what they needed for that day. Then God would provide what they needed the following day and so forth.

But as expected, some saved it and it spoiled. If you want to read a good story, read Exodus, especially Chapter 16.

I was thinking about those whining Israelites and how God had already done so much for them…and yet they did not trust Him for their daily manna. Then I was humbled a bit. Continue reading Manna and Grace

Manna and Grace

I was thinking about the Israelites today. They were led out of bondage from Egypt. Then they complained to Moses and Aaron that they did not have enough to eat, they were in a desert after all!

So God gave them manna every day. They were told not to save it, to only use what they needed for that day. Then God would provide what they needed the following day and so forth.

But as expected, some saved it and it spoiled. If you want to read a good story, read Exodus, especially Chapter 16.

I was thinking about those whining Israelites and how God had already done so much for them…and yet they did not trust Him for their daily manna. Then I was humbled a bit. Continue reading Manna and Grace