Simple Mothering


Did you know that there are ten top reasons being a Mother is so easy?

I am sure you can add a few!


10.) Who else can fold clothes, talk on the phone, feed the baby and clean up spilt milk…at the same time?

9.) Who knows one can actually get by with bathing only twice a week and smell ok?

8.) Who knows which streaming video can be played and occupy at least 22.5 minutes of time so you can have 22.5 minutes to complete a task you started 24 hours ago?

7.) Who else can keep three children’s schedule for soccer, dance and baseball and not ever be late for any game or practice and have on the appropriate team colors for cheering?

6.) Who else can get up, apply make up  in less time than it takes coffee to spill? 

5.) Who can find clothes at Goodwill or Salvation Army that rival any clothing from the most expensive retail store in the area?

4.) Who can pick apples, while teaching a Math lesson and require pie making and a report on the benefits of apples, all in the same trip to the orchid?

3.) Who can wonder when their child is four years old if there will ever be time alone again, while closing her eyes and crying about it at the same time?

2.) Who can set out on a shopping trip with friends to buy something special and end up with gifts for the kids?

And the top reason  mothering is so very simple….

1.) Some book written by an unmarried male with no children, but with a doctorate in psychology says it is!

The only way I can come to the conclusion that mothering is simple is this: Let God be God. Keep your eyes focused on Him, spend time with Him…make it a priority, rest in His grace….and let it go.

There is no way we can do everything for everyone all the time…just do your best and rest in Him!

~Be Encouraged Today~


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