Tag Archives: children's picture books

“Norah’s World”

My three year old granddaughter is a joy.

She has an incredible sense of adventure, a hilarious sense of humor and the ability to make you laugh. She is absolutely gorgeous(no bias here), loves to play dress up, go down her slide a bazillion times and buzz around the room like a race car driver.

She loves her school, friends and teachers. She has the ability to make you feel as though you are the most important person in the room. She loves fiercely. Her smile lights up the room and all my social media posts.

She is now a big sister, and handling that responsibility well. She is a typical three year old, of course. She has a fit now and then when things don’t go her way, and she is quite opinionated and strong willed!

And Norah has Cerebral Palsy. She uses a wheel chair, a walker, and sign language. She does things a little differently, but don’t we all? As a former special education teacher, I always taught by students that they just leaned differently than others, not better…not worse…just different. Norah is perfect.

McKenna, Norah’s sweet friend, began to ask her momma about Norah. Lacee found that there were very few books that address inclusivity and normal questions that many children have about friends that are different than them. So, she wrote a book…”Norah’s World.”

It can be found on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Norahs-World-Lacee-Johnson/dp/B09MYXSPQX/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1G53O0AEW432T&keywords=Norahs+World&qid=1643833127&sprefix=norahs+world%2Caps%2C272&sr=8-1

I highly recommend this book! It is very important reading for all the children in your life. Inclusiveness and acceptance is the primary theme in this delightful book. All libraries, schools, parents, grandparents need books like this. Yes, it is my granddaughter and I might be a bit bias….but it is well written and beautifully illustrated.

Thanks dear ones..

~Be Encouraged~
