Nothing New

God gives each on of us gifts, callings, longings, desires.  Everyone is different and each person is used in the body of Christ to bring Him glory if we surrender.

Some people might question encouragement as a calling. 

Look around dear ones.  Turn on any newscast, open any social media app and what do you see most of the time?  Negativity.

Look at individual’s lives.  People are ill, loved ones have past on.  Families are dealing with divorces, drug addictions, alcohalism.

Some of the decisions that have been made in my state and country defy my realm of thinking.

But “nothing is new under the sun.” That is not a statement of apathy. Humans have always been humans. Do we still keep trying? Yes of course….but…..

I am reminded that as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ I have no need for despair.  

I have the opportunity to encourage people about God’s love.  

I have the opportunity to tell people about our hope in Christ.  

I have the opportunity to share God’s love with people who may never have experienced God’s unconditional love.

I have the opportunity to encourage people in the midst of their crazy lives and let them know that they are not alone.

I have the opportunity to literally help others tangibly.

I have the opportunity to express the peace, joy and rest that only is through Jesus Christ.

I have been moaning at all the things that I have been hearing.  Sometimes it seems so very hopeless.

But friends, when we encourage others, we help them know that they are not alone.  We help them remember that we are not to judge God’s love by the circumstances that swirl around us. We can show others respect, love, kindness….characteristics that seem to be missing in discussions of differences today.

We encourage others because Christ encourages us.

~Be Encouraged Today~


1 thought on “Nothing New

  1. Indeed, we have the choice to be vessels of positivity and encouragement each and every day and like you rightly said, we have the opportunity to express the peace, joy and rest that only is through Jesus Christ.


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