Wheat Free


It's Over....Several years ago, my mom, kids and I traveled to a near-by city for some “alternative healing methods”.  My mom has always questioned traditional medicines and their side effects.

We took some vitamins and minerals that seemed to only be available at this office, and after recommendations.  Now of course, these are readily available.

For years I suffered from “eczema” and gave the genetic credit to my dad. I assumed I would have to suffer with it for the rest of my life. During these “flare ups”  asthma attacks would also occur.  This condition was not diagnosed until I was 32 years of age.

That being said, a “kinesiologist” put me through a series of very strange tests and suggested I had a “wheat sensitivity” or “wheat allergy”.

Ok, whatever. I paid my fee and went on to Captain D’s with my mom and young sons and had fried fish.

Something was wreaking havoc on skin and I felt my health deteriorating. My mom and I discussed it on the way home and came to the conclusion that it might be worth the trouble to cut out wheat a couple of weeks to see what would happen.

After two days my dry, red, scaly, painful blotches disappeared. My asthma didn’t seem to be as bad and I assumed it was simply a coincidence. “Gluten free” was not spoken of often at that time.

So for several weeks I would go on and off. And there was always a significant difference when I was “wheat free”.wheat-995055_640

I have stuck with it for 23 years now.  And it is easier and I won’t go back.

When I get some “wheat” accidentally…my body let’s me know quickly. I always read labels, but sometimes assume things are “wheat free” in restaurants when they are not. (soups, all salads, etc..)

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;  you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

 I encourage you to listen to your body and the Father’s still small voice.  There is usually a reason your body reacts the way it does…and the older I get..the more I listen.  


“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,


*NIV Bible, personal graphics

2 thoughts on “Wheat Free

  1. Thank you Tammy! Great post, and I loved hearing more of “your story.” I am investigating some probiotic and anti-fungal products right now & am hoping for benefits for the whole family. I love how our Lord leads 🙂


    1. Thank for reading Andria! I take probiotics daily, along with apple cider vinegar, honey, cinnamon and lemon essential oils…plus a few other supplements. And no dairy and sugar has helped tremendously. The Father is so good to us….have fun investigating and learning!


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