Tag Archives: Christ’s rest

~The Ocean Series~ Beach Balls

Ah, you have finally settled down with a good book.  Sunscreen applied, hat tilted just right.  The waves are lapping against your chair and the sun is overhead.  The book you have been waiting to read all winter.  

Then you are viciously attacked by a flying beach ball!! Actually a kid just missed hitting it back to his brother.  It came out of no where! You dropped the book, turned over your iced tea, and yes….tipped your chair. Continue reading ~The Ocean Series~ Beach Balls

~The Ocean Series~ Sailing Off into the Sunset

The sail boat glides across the water as the red, orange and coral sun sets over the horizon.  The pace is that of someone not worried about time, or what is in the future or past.  The only concern is the present. They are not worried about solving someone else’s problems.  Sailing off into the Sunset…literally it seems.

 I believe a lesson for me right now is simple for my mental health. I cannot help everyone solve their problems.  I cannot “mother” everyone I come in contact with….I can love them, but not take on those burdens as my own.  

My “type A” personality has done that my whole life.  As the eldest of three with divorced parents, I took charge.  I was the one who had to make sure everyone was ok. 

This past week the Lord has allowed me to rest, and learn.  I can only do what I can do.  And I hear this “the very thing you are gifted in is the thing that can destroy you.”  My sweet friend told me that long ago.  She was prophetic I think.

My compassion for others has come close to destroying me a few times.  But the Lord in His wisdom helps me remember that I am not to be consumed with “fixing” everyone.  He can take care of them…I just need to let Him and not try to do it myself! I often worry about situations that God has already worked out, I just need to step out of the way.

So in the sail boat I glide, watching the sunset.  Breathing and living life in the moment….in the here and now.

Feel free to join me, just don’t expect me to do all the guiding!


~Be Encouraged Today~


Can you sit still? I mean really stop and do nothing?

I cannot. Well, I am better than I used to be, but I have to stay busy. Or do I? Continue reading R.E.S.T.